Aluminum gantry crane - marine jib crane
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Construction of the marine jib crane for handling heavy boats up to 30 tons. Crane for lifting boats dock gantry cranes, fixed and mobile handling boats.
The products can be customized according to the specifications of your requirements. Below a series of photos of the last jib cranes and gantry cranes manufactured by us.

marine jib crane 25 tons
marine jib crane 4 tons
marine jib crane 6 tons
marine jib crane 25 tons
gantry cranes fixed to the floor
marine jib crane
marine jib crane 20 tons
marine jib crane
jib crane manual for canoes
marine jib crane 1 ton
marine jib crane 10 tons Savona
marine jib crane 10 tons Savona
Attollo SAS - Piazza Insubria n° 1 - 20137 Milano - Italy -
Tel +39 0290722272 - fax +39 0289954106 - Fabio +39 3409139903